
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Friends with Shirts

I have 2 more Battley shirt pics to add.

First is Battley's nurse. She loves B so much she sent us this pic of her from St Lucia! We love her!

Then our awesome soccer friends...she is wearing her shirt, but he is wearing a bracelet...he wears it to school everyday!! That's so I mean manly and thoughtful for a teenager! Love it and them!

Yay for the weekend! We swapped rugs last night. This may sound so trivial, but it makes a BIG difference in our day to day life. When we were in the hospital it was super stressful for me. I really believe that my stress was stressing B. Being cooped up in our bedroom was stressing me, and I want to do everything I can to keep B feeling easy. All good now!

B weighed 8lb-12.5oz last night. We have a baby scale that we keep in the same place so it doesn't mess with the calibration. I try to weigh her before her bath time at the same time of day. It doesn't always work since B is in control of her own schedule. The idea isn't so much to see exactly how much she weighs but more that she is either gaining or staying steady. We don't want to see a decline in weight.

It has been so long since I had a baby that I didn't remember many of the details about having an infant. B still has her feedings by NG tube (in her nose) and is fed every 4 hours around the clock. It takes an hour and 15 mins at a minimum (that is really flying) to feed her each time. Sometimes it takes all 4 hours depending on if she is awake or sleeping. I totally forget that this is different than other babies because it's what we do every day. It wasn't until I was answering questions from a friend the other day that I realized that.

Happy Weekend to You!

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