
Friday, December 7, 2012

37 weeks

Here we are on Friday again...I always shoot for a post on B's weekly birthday, but we see that it doesn't happen often.  One day I will just accept that and stop all the apologies...maybe...ha!

What a week we have had!  We are still a bit shocked about the news we heard last week.  Since we spent such a long time expecting to lose B and enjoying each moment we have had with her, we never made plans for more of a future than a few days or weeks at a time.  We have realized this past week that we put a LOT of things on the back burner and have a lot to do now.  The first things on the list are to figure out what to do with our jobs (we are both employed full time even though I handle all my business from the home office) and our house.  We are currently praying like mad for the Lord's direction on both fronts.  Please pray for us to hear God's direction for these things. 

So...Miss Battley:

* weighs 9lb-13oz...her weight is fluctuating a bit with our new feeding schedule but trending upwards so we are happy

* is fed 5 times a day now instead of 6...this may be super boring to read a list but wanted to share:
7am: 105ml of 24calorie per serving Similac formula (this is between 3 and 4 ounces) and a dose of Lasiks, Digoxin, Phenobarbital, Prilosec, and Milk of Magnesia...feeding her always takes around 2 hours
11am: 105ml of formula and a dose of Miralax
3pm: 105ml of formula, a dose of Miralax, and a dose of Milk of Magnesia
7pm: 105ml of formula and doses of Digoxin and Phenobarbital 
9pm: dose of Milk of Magnesia
11pm: 60ml of formula (this we run slowly over 3-4 hours if she is sleeping and don't need to have her sitting up for)
and to top it off we throw in some gas drops along the way as needed

* wears size 2 diapers and 3months clothes...all the preemie clothes are officially put away

* loves to be snuggled, talked to, read to, and sung to

* still digs music...toddler Pandora

* loves bath time

* is working so hard with her arms to get them to do what she wants them to do.  Hopefully we will be able to begin some form of therapy with her soon!


1 comment:

  1. I couldn't stop by without saying hello. Your baby girl is gorgeous <3
