
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

One & a Half

On Sunday Battley turned 18 months!  Now when we are out and get the number one asked baby question: "How old is she?" I can just say One & a Half!

Not only was it her half bday, but it was our wedding anniversary too...6 years!  We actually got out just the 2 of us and went to eat!

So here are some statistics for Battley at One & a Half:
* weighs may notice that she has not gained lately...this is due to her being so sick and taking so long to get back on track...we are still working on getting her feedings down
* wears size 2 diapers, size 6 month clothing, and size 9 month jammies since she is so long
* has 2 teeth totally in (one on top and one on the bottom) and has a new tooth coming in very slowly on top
* loves reading, snuggling, bath time, playing, people, singing, and her daddy's beard
* not in love with riding in the car for too long or being ignored
* she is a night owl even though we have tried so hard for an earlier bed time...she would prefer to go to sleep at midnight and sleep until noon...we don't let her do this, but it's hard
* has 4 feedings per day of milk, one dose of Prilosec for reflux, one dose of coconut oil, one bite of baby food, and prune juice
* consistently uses the sign for milk when she is hungry
* has gone from ignoring toys to tracking them with her eyes and now reaching for them
* is working hard to sit up and can totally hold her own head up now
* loves her dog and her brother so much
* is Loved beyond words

She wore her birthday dress to church on Sunday.  If you have to look on the bright side of your child growing slowly, you can rejoice in the fact that clothing fits a long time!


1 comment:

  1. I just LOVE these pictures! Happy anniversary to you two and happy half birthday to BC!!
