Like the matching shirts? Kinda cheesy, huh? We all wore long sleeves to the game and had to change into our t-shirts because it was so hot.
This year we missed the starting line up and kick off because of the end of another game. I love to hear the player stats in the beginning because it makes me realize that men and women are alike in some ways...we all want to be different than we are.
For example: a basketball player...they all list their height as taller; a line backer...weight heavier; any woman's driver's license...weight lighter.
Now I feel the need to insert a confession of my own: I am not 5'-4" like my DL says I am. I am actually 5'-2". I've never been 5"-4". I got measured with my shoes on one time and kept using that height. Whew...I feel better!
With stats in mind for our upcoming doctor's visit, here is a list of issues babies with Trisomy 18 sometimes have. I will put a star next to the issues we suspect or know that Battley had at our last ultrasound:
*kidney malformations
*structural heart defects
intestines protruding outside the body
**esophageal artresia
mental retardation
developmental delays
**growth deficiency
feeding difficulties
breathing difficulties
arthrogryposis(a muscle disorder that causes multiple joint contractures at birth)
small head accompanied by a prominent back portion of the head
low-set, malformed ears
abnormally small jaw
cleft lip/cleft palette
upturned nose
narrow eyelid folds
widely spaced eyes
drooping of the upper eyelids
a short breast bone
**clenched hands
**choroid plexus cysts
underdeveloped thumbs and or nails
absent radius, webbing of the second and third toes
clubfoot or rocker bottom feet
**mother can have excess amniotic fluid
Some of those can be life threatening and some we just plain ole don't care about. Some days I just pick one of these things off the list and pray specifically for God to heal her of.
Today is a beautiful day. I have some work in my storage unit to get done...woo-hoo!
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