
Thursday, January 3, 2013

41 weeks

B is 41 weeks today!  We are enjoying our last week before H goes back to school and trying to get the house ready. 

During my research of gtubes I have scoured other T18 blogs that I can find.  Since I spend roughly 8 (at a minimum) hours a day feeding Battley, I thought I'd share some details of what and how she eats.  Maybe it will be helpful to someone out there some day...

Here is the formula B takes.  She's been on this since she was 6 weeks old.  It's higher in calories than breast milk or regular formula so that she doesn't have to have as much.  I think most regular formula is 20 calorie per serving.
We use the ready made instead of powder because her ng tube is a 5 french (very small) and we don't want powder to clog it.  I don't even know if they make this in a powder.

This is formula for 1 day.  Each of the large syringes holds 2 ounces.  Just for reference a regular size water bottle is 20 ounces and a coke can is 12oz.  B has a little more than 16oz in a day.  The medicine syringes on the side represent the doses of medicine she has in 1 day.  I left out 2 doses or Miralax, but you get the picture.
Her pump is a Medfusion 3500.  The syringes are Monoject.

We went for a stroll today.  Here is B all bundled up:
and here she is hanging out with me during lunch:

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