I am typing with one hand and holding B with the other so it'll be short.
Last night was rough. We had to give Battley some oxygen a few times since she wasn't breathing well. It's very hard to see her struggle to breathe and not be able to fix all her problems. Adam and I just prayed and cried and held her. She finally did better around 2am and we got a few winks of sleep.
Today Hayden had a soccer tournament so Adam took him and my mom helped out around here again. I was able to take a nap this afternoon. Adam's turn is coming.
We had some great friends from Columbus stop by for a few...I didn't get any pics...oops!
Tonight we are gonna give her a bath and curl up to watch some basketball...we haven't had a tv on for days except when H watched a few minutes of a movie in our room the other night.
I'll leave you with a pic of her in her bouncy seat (she's only been in it a few times; the bouncing is a little much for her but it's a nice seat)...one of the items from an emergency trip to Target...thank you Lord! She loves her binky!!
Praying for you all. I've requested prayers for you from many family and friends. She is beautiful. If I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to let me know.