
Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Some kids have asked me how Battley knows when she's getting milk. I love the questions that kiddos ask...they are so sweet wanting to understand! Our little "nieces" are used to B's tube now, but they had lots of questions in the beginning. Anyways, back to the milk...we all know when our stomach is getting full. Battley knows when it's milk time anytime she has milk. She does the cutest little faces and sucks like she is drinking milk...such a smart gal! She's started doing this almost chewing like motion too. I managed to get some of this on video this morning.

YouTube Video

I hope this video will work for you.



  1. Battley is so cute. My daughter was a preemie and would do the same thing before we introduced the bottle. Does Battley use a bottle for any of her feedings? We'll she ever be able to?

  2. I was wondering the same thing as Tiffany. Just spent the past week with Robin Hart who forwarded your story to me some time ago. I pray for you all every day. Battley is a super hero as are Hayden and you and Adam! I so enjoy your posts!!

  3. Love it. She is too sweet Catherine!
